Here are the top Frequently Asked Questions we receive.
Once your order is processed, you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking number and a link to track your package's progress.
You will not have to pay customs fees when you make a purchase with us. Any applicable charges are covered by us, ensuring you are never asked to pay. If, by any chance, you encounter problems related to customs fees, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If after placing your order you realize that you have made a mistake or change your mind, please contact us as soon as possible. If your order has not shipped, we can cancel it and process a refund for you. Please note that it is not possible to cancel after we have shipped your order as it is already being shipped. In this case, to cancel, it is necessary to wait for the order to reach you and only then can we cancel and return your money back.
You have the flexibility to initiate a return within 14 days from the date the item is marked as delivered. If you are unhappy with your order or you have received a faulty item, please reach out to us within 14 days of delivery and we will be able to assist you. Check our Return & Refund page for more info.